Welcome to Constantine and White Pigeon United Methodist Churches!

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If you are worshiping with others in your household, please feel free to read responsively or in unison where indicated.

St. Joseph Parish - Wilmette, IL

Good Morning, you beautiful people of God! 

SPECIAL MUSIC  “God is Good”

CALL TO WORSHIP  Inspired by Psalm 25:1-5
We look to you, O God, and lift our voices in praise.
We are your people, and you will not put us to shame.
Show us how you work, God;
School us in your ways.
Lead us in the way of truth and light.
Where you go, we will follow.  You are our Savior

HYMN  “He Leadth Me”


Accompany us, God, through the waiting.
Accompany those who are ill and return them health and healing.
Accompany those who are unemployed and waiting to go back to work.
Accompany those who are self-isolating longing to be back in community with others.
Accompany those who feel displaced and are grieving as they wait for a return to normaility.
Accompany those who seek you in changing times as they look forward to the future you have for them.
Accompany those in violent homes waiting for silence, safety and security.
Accompany those who are targets of hate and discrimination asking for justice and peace.
Accompany us God through the waiting until your work is finally accomplished.
We ask in the name of Jesus, who abides with us in the waiting, and first taught us to pray, saying:  our Father, who art in heaven.  Hallowed be your name.  Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as you we forgive those who trespass against us.  Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.  For thine is the the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever.  Amen.

SPECIAL MUSIC  “I Know the Plans I Have for You”

God's Word – Soaking in God's Word 

SCRIPTURE  Jeremiah 29:4-14

MESSAGE  “In the Waiting Time”

HYMN  “By Grace Alone”

give thanks in all things... it is easy for us to give thanks for ...

Thank you for continuing support of the mission of God and the ministry of Christ.  You may contribute either through the mail or by Bill Pay through your bank.

SPECIAL MUSIC  “O How He Loves You and Me”


Almighty God, your boundless miracles in nature are such a small display of your awesome deeds.  You visibly enrich our lives with the bounty of the earth’s beauty.  How can we ever adequately honor the gift of an amethyst sunset or the fragility of a butterfly’s dance?  Abundantly increase these gifts so that we may be more faithful stewards of your entire creation.  To you be all honor and glory.  Amen. 

Go Into All the World - YouTube

Sending Forth

HYMN  “Because He Lives”


May the love of God surround you; the peace of Christ fill you; and the Holy Spirit guide your way.  Go now, seek the Lord with all your heart and be fruitful.  In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

“Rejoice the Lord is King”


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