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He's Alive - Collections | Centerline New Media


Christ is risen!
He is risen, indeed!

Christ the Lord is Risen Today”

Call to Worship: (Psalm 66)

Bless our God, O peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard, 

who has kept us among the living, and have not let our feet slip.

For you, O God, have tested us; you have tried us as silver is tried.

I will come into your house with burnt offerings; I will pay you my vows,

Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me.
Come, let us worship the LORD!

**Hymn: “Love, Divine, All Loves Excelling”

Opening Prayer:

Living and gracious God, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ you have brought us out to a spacious place where we are called to live as those redeemed. Empower us by your Spirit to keep your commandments, that we may show forth your love with gentle word and reverent deed to all your people.

Lord, intervene with loving care to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

In Jesus name, we ask that the virus would recede from this day forward, and that the numbers of those who are infected may decline rapidly.

We pray for who are sick, that they will have access to the care and treatment they need.

Give us all strength, peace and perseverance amidst suffering.

Watch out over and provide for the needs of those in isolation who are cut off from their normal routines and support systems, that they would seek their strength in Christ.

Bless the thousands in quarantine wating to find out if they have the virus with encouragement and comfort. We ask this in Jesus name, who first taught us to pray:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those
who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from evil. 
 For thine is the kingdom, and the power, 
and the glory forever. Amen

Good News:  We have been forgiven and we are always loved.

Wonderful, Merciful Savior with lyrics - YouTube

Special Music: “Wonderful, Merciful Savior”

Children’s Message Our Comforter, the Holy Spirit”

Giving Thanks Even though we are not able meet together, please continue to financially support the mission of God and the ministry of Christ through your gifts and offerings by contributing either through the mail or by electronic giving.  Thank you.

Special Music Before the Throne of God

Let us pray,

Generous and loving God, we remember. We remember the others who have encouraged us. Many people have taught us. We have been forgiven. We have been loved. We admit that we haven’t done it all ourselves. In a way, this offering is a response to all that has come before us. We pray that the money will be used to encourage, to teach, to forgive, and to love in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

What does the Holy Spirit feel like? | Revolutionary Faith

Song to Prepare Our Hearts: “Spirit of the Living God”

Scripture Reading: John 14: 15-21

 The Message: “Connectivity” Pastor Dave Barrettt



The gospel lesson from the common lectionary for two weeks ago, and the gospel lesson for this Sunday from the common lectionary are connected. The gospel lesson from John chapter 10 is a teaching moment with Jesus for his disciples. He wants his disciples to understand that he is the way to approach and comprehend God. He does this through the use of a metaphor about a sheep pen and the gate.

The gospel lesson from John chapter 14 is a teaching moment from Jesus for his disciples. He wants his disciples to comprehend what is required of them to approach Jesus, the gateway to God.

In John chapter 10, Jesus presents this teaching moment immediately following the healing of a young man who was born blind. It is Jesus who shows his love and compassion for this young man with the disability by restoring his sight. This action of healing from love and compassion stands in direct contrast with the reaction from the Jewish leadership. The Jewish leadership action is to question the healing and eventually drive the young man from society.

Jesus’ message in this teaching moment is to not only exemplify the necessity to reflect God’s love for us through our actions of love and compassion for each other, but also to comprehend that love comes to us through Jesus Christ. Therefore we are to not only love Christ; but also to comprehend that through our loving of Christ we see and feel the love of God.

In John chapter 14, Jesus presents this teaching moment immediately following the “last supper”. This moment is part of what is commonly referred to as the final discourse. It is Jesus not only answering his disciples’ question about the future; but also attempting to allay their fears and concerns about the future.

Let’s set the context for this scripture lesson. When you visit Israel, you will be taken to the site of the upper room, the “last supper”. It is located in a building immediately outside the old city of Jerusalem, just south of what is called the Zion gate. The room is quite large and resembles a small banquet hall. As the name implies, it is on the second level of the building. You must climb a flight of stairs to reach the room. We know that this is the site where Jesus and his disciples planned and celebrated a Passover meal together.

However, as we read this section of John’s gospel, we very quickly detect tensions and uncertainty with the disciples. Jesus washes their feet and they are puzzled. Jesus calls out Judas as his betrayer. Judas leaves. The disciples are perplexed. Jesus states that Peter will deny him three times before tomorrow morning. The disciples are aghast. Several ask questions.

It is in the middle of these questions and this confusion that Jesus teaches. He calmly states today’s scripture lesson: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” And secondly he promises help with all their questions and confusion: “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever.”

Jesus’ message to us, to his current disciples has not wavered. We are to continue to love Jesus; we are to continue to keep his commandments; and we are to expect the presence of God’s holy spirit with us forever. These are the actions through which we understand that Jesus is the way to God.

It is very reassuring to me that Christ repeats these same set of instructions in this very scripture lesson. Verses 15 and 16 are repeated almost verbatim in verse 21: “They who have my commandments and keep them are those who love me; and those who love me will be loved by my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to the them.”

The repeating of a thought or concept very quickly within a single paragraph or statement is a simple educational tool employed by all gifted teachers. The ability to state a concept in numerous ways is how we are to teach. It was the way that Jesus taught his disciples.

When I was in engineering school I had a gifted chemistry instructor. Chemistry was never my interest or desire to learn. But this professor had the ability to state various concepts in numerous ways so that we all could learn a little chemistry. He would often diverge from the prepared lecture and admonish us to recognize that education should be our goal. We are to learn from each other, and we are to teach each other.

That is exactly what Jesus is doing here today in this scripture lesson. He is teaching us the way to him and through him, by stating that concept in numerous ways. Then Jesus is telling us that with the aid and assistance of God’s Holy Spirit, we are to teach others.

We are to connect the metaphor of the gate to our responsibility to keep the commandants. We are to understand the connectivity of all that Jesus taught us.


Prayer: Gracious Lord, thank you. Thank you for sending us your son, Jesus Christ to teach us not only about you, but also the way to you through our love for him. Thank you for sending us your Holy Spirit that we may continue to love Christ and love you even more, and understand the connectivity of all that Jesus taught us. We pray this through your son’s name. Amen.

January 20, 2016 – Go Somewhere with God | Seeds for the Soul

Song of Sending: “Because He Lives”

Benediction: May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious onto you. May the Lord lift up the light of His love upon you and give you peace. Go in peace. Serve the Lord.

Going Forth

God Will Take Care of You”

Go Now in Peace”

Remember – God is still with us!

Emmanuel, God with us”


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