Brothers and Sisters, may I share something that's been on my mind for quite a while?

Just because I'm a liberal doesn't mean I'm not a Christian, because I am.  Born again and spirit-filled, it is my true identity and shapes my life, my decisions and where I fall on the spectrum.  I am unafraid and unashamed to declare, "Jesus is Lord," and I pray my actions affirm my words.

Just because I'm a liberal and a Christian, doesn't mean that I don't love and respect those who are different than I am, rather in religion or politics or because of country of origin or native language.  I do, because my faith informs how I see others -- created in the image of God, given divine worth by our Creator.  To judge a person for who and what they are and not accept them is to, in my book, to call God a liar.

Just because I'm a Christian who happens to be a liberal, doesn't mean I don't love my country or care about the community where I live.  God's Word teaches me to respect those in authority over me and to work for the blessing of the place where I am living.  I see prayer and seeking ways to work for the common good a way to be that blessing.

Just because I'm a liberal Christian doesn't mean I don't support our troops, law enforcement officers and other civil servants.  My faith in Christ has given me a deep respect for those willing to put their lives in danger for the sake of others.

And perhaps because I'm a Christian on the liberal end of the scale is the reason why I see all Christians as part of the universal Body of Christ no matter what denomination we belong to.  We are all united in Christ through one body, one spirit, one hope of our calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism and one God who is Father all, who is above all and through al and in all.  (Ephesians 4:4-6)

It seems to me, that the forces of evil and darkness in this broken world are working to divide and conquer us over issues where we differ.  More than ever, Christians are being called to unite around Christ and what we hold in common and the mission we have all been given.

Each church and denomination has been endowed with gifts, graces according to their calling.  Together, we can learn a lot from each other and accomplish far more than when we're attacking each other.

Jesus has told us that the fields are ripe and ready, and it's going to take the universal body of Christ, working together, to fight against the darkness with the power of the light of Christ.

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

In Christ's love ...


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