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Luke 1:5-25

Advent – something or someone is coming.  Something or someone, in the fullness of time, when the time is right will show up. 

 Advent is called the season of lights – a world waiting in darkness to see a great light.  Light at the end of the tunnel – light symbolizing hope during a trying time. Hope, something we need right now to preserver.

Zechariah and Elizabeth had given up hope, the hope of ever having a child.  Infertility is painful enough, but in the culture of their time, barrenness was an indication that the woman had sinned.  No wonder Luke emphasized to his original reading audience that both Zachariah, a priest, and his wife Elizabeth were righteous people.  That also makes sense of Elizabeth’s declaration at her child’s birth, “This is what the Lord has done for me when he looked favorably on me and took away the disgrace I have endured among my people.”

When Gabriel appeared to Zachariah and announced that his prayers had been answered, that Elizabeth would conceive a child, the old priest was doubtful.  “No way, can’t be.  I’m too old and Elizabeth is past her child bearing years,” argued Zachariah. 

But at the fullness of time, when the timing is right, miracles take place.  Can we say, “like Abraham and Sarah?”  It was time for the one prophesized by Isaiah, “A voice cries out:In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.’” (Isaiah 40:3). 

John, as the child was to be named, was dedicated from conception to the purposes of God and filled the Holy Spirit.  As an adult, John preached repentance, urging people to turn back to God, preparing their hearts and minds for the coming of, the advent of the Messiah.  As John said, “I baptize you with water; but one who is more powerful than I is coming; I am not worthy to untie the thong of his sandals. He will baptize you with[a] the Holy Spirit and fire.” (Luke 3:16)

John’s mission was to point people to Jesus Christ, the light at the end of the tunnel for humanity, the hope of the world, the fulfillment of God’s promise of deliverance from sin and death

Jesus is the ultimate expression of God’s unconditional and all-inclusive love for all people.  Through Christ, each person’s humanity, the image of God in which each of us is created, is restored.

 As followers of Christ living in a world that needs to see that light at the end of the tunnel, let us embody hope.

Let hope live in our hearts.  Let us share the hope of Christ with all we meet.  Share hope by noticing someone else’s humanity.
Share hope by listening to someone’s story.  Share hope by praying for our world.  In this Advent season, we need to see, feel, and share hope with all those we meet.

 In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.


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