
Showing posts from August, 2020


  DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, THE SCRIPTURE AND SERMON VIDEO WAS NOT ABLE TO BE LOADED AT TIME OF THIS PUBLICATION.  PLEASE TRY BACK LATER TODAY,  THANK YOU.  Welcome to Constantine and White Pigeon United Methodist Churches! Click on the links that appear in the order of worship to take you to music, scripture and more.  A new tab will open to take you to the site.  If the sound is off, click on the corners of the video until you find the mute icon.  After the video is over, return to this page.   If you are worshiping with others in your household, please feel free to read responsively or in unison where indicated.   Gathering Together   SPECIAL MUSIC   “Honor and Praise”   CALL TO WORSHIP  (based on Galatians 3:7, Psalm 105:1-6) Understand this, by faith in Christ, we are descendants of Abraham. So, give thanks to the  Lord , call on his name, make known his deeds among the peoples. Sing to him, sing praises to


  Welcome to Constantine and White Pigeon United Methodist Churches! Click on the links that appear in the order of worship to take you to music, scripture and more.  A new tab will open to take you to the site.  If the sound is off, click on the corners of the video until you find the unmute icon.   After the video is over, close that tab and you'll return to this page.   If you are worshiping with others in your household, please feel free to read responsively or in unison where indicated.   Gathering Together Good Morning, you beautiful people of God!   SPECIAL MUSIC   “I Got the Lord on My Side”   Reba McEntire   CALL TO WORSHIP (based on Psalm 138) Come and worship, all you who love and serve our God — who surrounds us with unfailing love, and answers us when we call; who cares for the humble and lowly, and never abandons those in need. This is our God, worthy of our worship and praise!   HYMN


                           Welcome to Constantine and White Pigeon United Methodist Churches! Click on the links that appear in the order of worship to take you to music, scripture and more.  A new tab will open to take you to the site.  If the sound is off, click on the corners of the video until you find the unmute icon.  After the video is over, close that tab and you'll return to this page.   If you are worshipping with others in your household, please feel free to read responsively or in unison where indicated.   Gathering Together   SPECIAL MUSIC   “Shout to the North”   Robin Mark    CALL TO WORSHIP (based on Psalm 65) God is gracious!   He shines his attention and love upon us. Let all the peoples praise you, Lord! We teach the world of your righteousness, And proclaim your saving power among all nations. Let all the peoples praise you, O God; Let all the nations be glad and sing for joy!   SON


  Welcome to Constantine and White Pigeon United Methodist Churches! Click on the links that appear in the order of worship to take you to music, scripture and more.  A new tab will open to take you to the site.  If the sound is off, click on the corners of the video until you find the unmute icon.   After the video is over, close that tab and you'll return to this page.   If you are worshipping with others in your household, please feel free to read responsively or in unison where indicated.   Gathering Together   SPECIAL MUSIC   “Better is One Day in Your Courts”     CALL TO WORSHIP   Psalm 85:10-13 ( The Message)   When the Lord God speaks to the people he loves: Love and Truth meet in the street,      Right Living and Whole Living embrace and kiss! Truth sprouts green from the ground,      Right Living pours down from the skies! Oh yes!  God  gives Goodness and Beauty;      our land responds with Bount


Welcome to Constantine and White Pigeon United Methodist Churches! Click on the links that appear in the order of worship to take you to music, scripture and more.  A new tab will open to take you to the site.  If the sound is off, click on the corners of the video until you find the unmute icon.   After the video is over, close that tab and you'll return to this page. If you are worshipping with others in your household, please feel free to read responsively or in unison where indicated. Gathering Together GOOD MORNING YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE OF GOD! SPECIAL MUSIC   “Children of the Living God” CALL TO WORSHIP   Psalm 145:8-13 (NKJV) The  Lord   is  gracious and full of compassion, Slow to anger and great in mercy. The  Lord   is  good to all, And His tender mercies  are  over all His works.   All Your works shall praise You, O  Lord , And Your saints shall bless You.   They shall speak