Matthew 10:1-10

Image result for use words if needed

St. Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words.

And one way we do that is when our service done in the name of Christ becomes an invitation to experience Jesus and the promise that the Kingdom of Heaven has come near.

J   Jesus made a circuit of all the towns and villages. He taught in their meeting places, reported kingdom news, and healed their diseased bodies, healed their bruised and hurt lives. When he looked out over the crowds, his heart broke for them. So confused and aimless they were, like sheep with no shepherd.

   As we read the paper, listen to the news and talk to our neighbors as we go about our lives, don’t we see the same thing in our community and in the world? So many needs. So much hopelessness, and contention. So many people living in fear, prisoners of their circumstances, with little power to make changes in their lives without help.

J   Jesus was filled with compassion for those he saw. Not pity, because pity is only feeling sorry for someone, but compassion results in more, it results in action on their behalf. So, he said to his disciples, “What a huge harvest of hurting and seeking souls! How few workers! On your knees and pray to God for harvest hands!” (see Matthew 9:35-38, MSG)

So Jesus sent out his disciples in pairs to duplicate his ministry. He to'to proclaim the good news that the Kingdom of Heaven had come near not only in words but also in actions. He gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to cure every disease and every sickness in the local communities.

Matthew 28:19-20 commissions us, sends us out into the world with the authority of Christ to reach, invite, nurture, grow and serve. In a culture of suspicion and cynicism, our most powerful witness is when we put faith in action in acts of compassion, mercy and empowerment that are relevant to people’s lives and their needs and result in an experience with the living Christ and positive changes.

When we personally and compassionately engage with our neighbors and their needs, especially when we do it no expectation of return or reward, trust is cultivated and relationships are built. What people experience when they see our faith in action is an unspoken invitation to experience more of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Our missions and ministry can also be forms of invitation when we ask non-church members to join us in service to our neighbors and communities. Not only does it build relationships with new people, but people see that we care about the same things they do, and that we don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk. They see Christ in us.

As we get to know these people and they get to know us, we can extend more invitations to get together for a cup of coffee (or their favorite beverage), a meal together, social events at church and attending worship services with us.

It’s all about relationships, relationships, relationships.

Jesus was very clear with his disciples that they were expected to step outside their comfort zones and take some risks. Reminding them that they freely received God’s grace, they were not to ask for payment for anything they did. They were also told not to take extra clothing, money or food with them. They were to rely on God to provide for their needs.

Serving and inviting requires that we get out of our own comfort zones and take risks, some of which are financial. I sometimes feel that what holds us back as the church is worrying about money and the fear that we won’t have enough.

Because God’s grace is free and we serve by the grace of God, we should serve without the expectation of payment or return. Some churches offer free community events without a free will donation basket in sight.

Some churches have discovered that when they hold fundraisers for specific ministries and missions rather than for their general expenses, they are more successful. That’s because many of the public aren’t that interested in supporting the operating costs of a church, but when it’s for a cause, they respond because they feel they are making a difference. It’s another way to invite people to participate in our service ministries, to build relationships and opens opportunities to invite people to other church events.

Through our actions of service and invitation, we shall people they are all welcome at Christ’s table. It introduces them to Jesus and witnesses to Christ’s love in our lives.

As we read the paper, listen to the news and talk to our neighbors as we go about our lives, we see the state of the human condition. It’s evident that the need is great and the world is ready for what we have to share. Are we moved, filled with the compassion that God has for all the world, and does it show in our actions?

As Christ told his disciples, it’s time to pray. Time to pray for the lost and the seeking, the lonely and the forgotten, the unwanted and the overlooked. Time to pray for God to raise up and call those to the work of proclaiming the good news that the Kingdom of Heaven is near and to carry out Christ’s ministry in our community. Time to pray for those who have answered that call.

Are we ready to go, serve and invite if God calls us?


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