
Showing posts from March, 2018


I Corinthians 1:18-31 "Wise men say, 'only fools rush in,' but I can't help  falling in love with you..."* Interesting that this year the beginning of Lent, Ash Wednesday, fell on February 14, Valentine's Day, a holiday celebrating love, and ends with Easter on April Fools Day, a time for practical jokes, humor and all kinds of foolishness.  But then, the world does consider the wisdom of the cross foolishness.  So let us rejoice and be fools for Christ! "Hey, Lane," called my one of my co-workers, "Tom is on line one for you."  Sure it was my husband, Tom, I picked up the phone and said, "Hi, sweetie!  How's my hunka-hunka burning love doing today?"  Silence followed, and then a male voice I didn't  recognize said, "Um, ah, this is Tom from Sir Speedy Printing." We've all done something stupid, embarrassed ourselves, and maybe even something that seemed foolish for the sake of someone we cared abo


"Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me." "Kneels at the feet of his friends, silently washes their feet, Master who acts as a slave to them."*  And after doing so, Jesus said to his disciples, "I have set you an example ..." (John 13:15) The example that Jesus has set for all of us is how to love.  Jesus himself has said that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord God with all of our passion, prayer, intelligence and energy, and just as important, love others as well as we love ourselves.  (see Mark 12:28-31, MSG ) Yet, you and I know that our capacity for self-love can be limited.  It can be scarred, wounded and twisted.  It can become self-protective, putting up walls against other people and even God.  Considering what's going on the world today, I don't think my self-love is going to make much of a difference.  T


John 12:1-19 Joshua 2 Service, as well as repentance, sacrifice, humility, faith and commitment, is important in the life of the follower of Christ.   Last week we talked about commitment in the terms of availability of God.   This week, with the help of Rahab from the book of Joshua and Mary of Bethany, Martha’s sister and their stories of service along with singer, Meat Loaf, we’re going to explore another dimension of commitment. In 1993, the rock and roll star, still known as Meat Loaf, had a hit song, I’d Do Anything for Love.   Anyone else besides me remember it? There’s only one line from the song that has stuck with me for 25 years, and that’s “I would do anything for love, but I won’t do that.” People are still wondering what Meat Loaf won’t do, but that mystery isn’t what makes it so memorable for me.   No, it’s what it says about us as human beings, that we often make our commitments to those we love conditional. I’ve done that with my husband


Ruth 1:15-21 Luke 9:57-62 "O God, you have been and always will be available for us when we have needed You.  But God, are we always available for Your call on our lives and Your invitation to spend time with you?  God, who through Your Son Christ Jesus, has made all of eternity available to us, forgive us for our lack of commitment to You.  Amen." During Lent, our church is looking at the season's themes of repentance, sacrifice, humility, commitment, faith and service.  Of all of them, this week's theme of commitment from the standpoint of availability, really convicts me. Like everyone else, I'm a very busy person, not just with the 24/7 responsibilities of my call as a minister and, like many of you, I have a home to maintain and a family.  Don't get me wrong -- I'm not complaining. I love this call God has given me; I'm just saying it so easy to make my life all about the busyness instead of my commitment to Christ and making myself avail