Psalm 34:1-8
I Kings 19:11-13

At the end of a Thanksgiving meal, were you ever asked, "Did you save room for dessert?"

Were you ever told, "No snacking before dinner, you'll ruin your appetite for the main course?"

Jesus is the reason for the season of Advent and Christmas, kind of the main course of the celebration.  With everything that goes along with the weeks before Christmas on top of the responsibilities and activities of everyday living, even I have trouble saving room for Jesus.  So, let's make the journey together as we look at scripture and some practical ways to save room for Jesus in our lives during a very busy time of the year.


Let's start with a reality check.  Life doesn't stop happening just because Christmas is coming.  Adding additional activities to an already full life is naturally going to be stressful.  Our attitude is also going to be affected by major event that have happened during this year.

If it's been a very hectic, frustrating, bang-your-head-on-a-wall year, we bring with us into the holiday season feelings of dread, burn-out, weariness and even resentment.  After another unsuccessful attempt to get King Ahab and his queen Jezebel, to change their God-hating, idol-worshiping ways, Elijah is ready to give up.   God leads him on a journey where Elijah discovers in a cave, that he can't hear the voice of God over the noise of a great, avalanche causing wind, an earthquake and a fire.  It is only in stillness that he hears God speaking to him.  So, too, it is hard for us to hear God over the noise of holiday busyness and stress.

If we have experienced a major life-changing event, which may be a physical move or the loss of a loved one, we bring our sorrow, anger, lack of energy, and maybe a sense of hopelessness or powerlessness to Advent and Christmas.  Imagine how David grieved over being usurped by his son Abimelech who banished him.   David shares in Psalm 34 that all who suffer will find deliverance from the source of their sorrow and a safe refuge in God.  David advises us to take time in the protective presence of God to taste, to savor God's goodness and love, which is the source of our happiness.

Taking our lead from Elijah and David, we, too, can step out of our normal activities to find refuge in the presence of God and experience Jesus through stillness and meditation.  (See "Advent Meditation" on this blog.)  It doesn't need to be more than 10 minutes to make a difference, and putting it in our planners ensures that it will happen.


As David discovered, our relationship with God is the source of our joy.  To save room for time with Jesus and reduce our general stress, here are some suggestions:

  • Before things get busy, de-clutter and clean areas.  Clutter has it's own mental noise that distracts us from important activities like ten-minute retreats with God and getting other important tasks done.
  • Remember that the Advent/Christmas season is not a competitive sport.  We don't don't have to out-shop, out-spend, out-decorate, out-bake, out-entertain and party anyone else.  Do what is meaningful and joyful, but don't go overboard to the point that it becomes an energy-draining burden.  Do all things in moderation and simplify.
  • Make it a debt-free, cash only Christmas.  That means setting limits on gift giving and sticking to a budget.  Consider Secret Santas, where each family member gives and receives one gift.
  • Don't feel obligated to carry on traditions that others don't find meaningful.  Also, feel free to pass on the responsibility of carrying on beloved traditions to the next generation.
  • Share the joy; share the responsibility.  Involve children and spouses in preparations for the season, including cleaning and de-cluttering the home.  Begin new family traditions of baking and decorating together.  It's time to let go of the idea that only we can do it correctly.


As we enter into what can be a stressful and very busy time of year, let's remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.  Let's enjoy this time being with Christ and the gifts he brings to us:  joy, peace, hope and love.  


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