Exodus 13:17-22, Exodus 14

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Our God is a dangerous God.  Not because of his wrath or his power, but because of his reckless love for us that refuses to leave us where and as we are.  We wants so much more for us.

God’s dangerous and reckless love often asks us to step out and take risks so we can move forward into God’s future for us.  As threatening as that might be to us, as we read the stories of God’s people, we will find reason to imagine, hope and have faith in the great things God will do for us and through us.

"Stuck In The Middle With You"

Well, I don't know why I came here tonight
I got the feeling that something ain't right
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair
And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

Performed by Stealer’s Wheel
Songwriters: Gerry Rafferty and Joe Egan

“We’re wondering why we left Egypt behind and followed you way out here.
We’ve go the feeling that something ain’t right – disaster’s in the air.
This was a stupid idea, Moses, and we’re as scared as we can be.
Pharaoh’s army to the back of us, in front of us is the Red sea.
And here we are, stuck in the middle with you.”

While the Hebrew people felt like they were stuck between a rock and a very wet place, they are in fact, hemmed in, surrounded by God’s presence, power and love.

God Reveals His Presence to His People

For Moses, God revealed God’s self in the form of a burning bush. For a frightened people who have set out on a risky journey, God manifests God’s presence in a very visual way.

God led the way as a column of cloud during the day. When they stopped and camp for the night, God appeared as a column of fire, bringing light and assurance to God’s people as they journey in dark and unfamiliar places.

In addition to that, God provided an armed guard, an angel from the Lord’s angel army. As the Egyptian chariots and foot soldiers approached, the pillar of cloud and the angel move to the back of the fleeing Hebrew people, providing a rear guard between them and the Egyptians. It was this this powerful presence of the Lord God Almighty that struck terror in the hearts of their pursuers.

God Sets His People up for Success

God loves His people too much to lead them into disaster.

“I know the plans I have in mind for you, declares the Lord; they are plans for peace, not disaster, to give you a future filled with hope.(Jeremiah 29:11)

God has a plan. The shortest route out of Egypt would take the Hebrews through Philistine territory. Knowing that the Hebrews were not ready to wage war against them, God led them in a round about way to the Red Sea and set a trap for the Pharaoh’s army. As a result, the Hebrew people escaped disaster, the Egyptian army was destroyed, and God ensured that the Egyptians would never pursue them again.

Imagine, Hope and Faith

In the song,“There is No Secret” by Jim Reeves, we are assured that, “There is no power can conquer you while God is on your side. Just take him at his promise don't run away and hide) It is no secret what God can do what he's done for others he'll do for you”

It is no secret what God can do what he's done for others he'll do for you.

Knowing the stories of God’s action in the lives of God’s people, like the Exodus story, can fuel our imaginations. When we meet challenges along our individual journeys and our shared journey as the Body of Christ, how can we imagine God acting in our circumstances.

What we imagine becomes our hope in things unseen and yet to come, and as we travel hemmed in and surrounded by God, that is what we can put our faith and trust in.


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