John 20:1-18

Happy Easter!  Wait, that doesn't feel right, like "happy" doesn't even come close to the victory and joy of the meaning of Easter.  Maybe something more like, "Ya-hoooo!  Hallelujah, hosanna, joy, joy, joy Easter!"  Better.  After all, Easter is more than just "happy," and way more than just jelly beans.

Speaking of jelly beans ... 

In anticipation of Easter, four year-old Elena asked her mother, "Mommy, will the Easter bunny bring me purple jelly beans?"

"I'm sure he will bring you jelly beans, Elena, but remember, Easter isn't about the bunny.  It's about Jesus," answered her mother.

"But, Mommy, will they be purple?"

"Yes, honey, I am sure there will be some purple ones in there.  Honey, the important thing about Easter isn't the bunny or purple jelly beans.  Easter is about how much Jesus loves you and me and the whole world."

"Mommy, HOW MANY purple jelly beans will the Easter Bunny bring me?"

"Elena, I think he will probably bring plenty of purple jelly beans...Do you know how much Jesus loves you?"

"Mommy ..."

"Yes, Elena?"

"Will he bring me tootsie rolls, too?"

For four year-old Elena, Easter Bunnies, purple jelly beans and tootsie rolls are just more 
interesting than Jesus.  They're all that's needed for Easter to be fun.  And for a pre-schooler, fun is enough.

But we know, that won't always be true  There will come a time in her life as it does for all of us, when she will need more.

  • Like when she's bullied at school and feels like there's no one she can turn to for help.
  • Or when she's betrayed by her BFF or has her heart broken by someone she loves and trusts.
  • Perhaps it will be day she realizes she's said or done things that can't be taken back; that she's hurt others, and doesn't like the person she's become.
  • Or the day she feel lost and empty despite all her successes and all her stuff.
There will be times in her life when life happens in unexpected and painful ways when Easter Bunnies, jelly beans tootsie rolls just won't be enough.

What she will need to get through some of the  most frustrating, disheartening and disappointing times in her life will be the truth that Mary and the other disciples discovered when they encountered  the Risen Christ -- that what Easter is about is more than bunnies, jelly beans and tootsie rolls.

This is the truth that sent Mary running with joy back to the disciples:
  • The darkness cannot overcome the light of Christ.
  • God's goodness and love is far greater than the evil and brokenness of this world.
  • God does keep God's promises.
Jesus' love for us is more than a candy-coated cliche' which cannot be fully expressed in a word like "happy."  Jesus proved the vastness of his love on the cross and continues to prove it in our lives everyday.

What we celebrate this day is the TRUTH and the HOPE and the PROMISE we have put our faith in.  It is our STRENGTH and our SALVATION. 

Easter bunnies, jelly beans and tootsie rolls are fun at Easter, but for whatever life may bring us, there's Jesus.

"Ya-hoooo!  Hallelujah, hosanna, joy, joy, joy Easter!"


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