Ephesians 2:1-10
I Corinthians 12:1-11

There are two parts to thriving.  The first is to deeply root ourselves in our faith in God through Jesus Christ.  The second is reaching out high and wide into the world and producing fruits of witness and mission.  Thriving is having a relationship with God that results in us impacting the lives of others in life-giving and life-changing ways.

And we who are in the Body of Christ, we have each been uniquely gifted to do that.

"Tinker, Tailor,
Soldier, Sailor,
Rich Man, Poor Man,
Beggar Man, Thief"
Traditional English Nursery and Fortune-telling Rhyme, 15th Century

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?  When I was in third grade, we were given the assignment to write about just one occupation we aspired to.  I couldn't narrow it down to one thing.  I loved to read and write stories and draw.  Becoming a teacher appealed to me, and I even thought being a minister like my grandfather could be something I might like.  As I got older, I changed my mind several times.

God hasn't changed His mind about what He wants us to grow up spiritually to be:   " For we are what he [God] has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life."  Ephesians 2:10

Made for Good Works

No matter what work we do, we need to have the basic tools to do it with.  My father was a great believer in that.  When I left home to live on my own, Dad gifted me with a box of tools I would need to do simple repairs around my new home.  To do the good works God has prepared for us, we already come with a tool box of gifts we can share in the ministry of the church.  They are:

  • TALENTS -- those natural abilities that come easily to us, that people say we do well and that we really enjoy doing.  Even if you can't sing a note, play an instrument or draw a straight line, you are uniquely talented in your own way.
  • SKILLS -- these are things you've learned to do, like sewing, cooking, installing a toilet or writing computer programs.  One church I know of built an entire ministry around a young man's skill in changing oil in cars.
  • EXPERIENCE -- the wisdom and lessons learned through living, working and volunteering.  These can be shared and used for the common good of others and the church.
  • RESOURCES -- what we have that can be shared for doing good, not just time and money.  Meeting space in our church building can be shared with community groups, like Scouts.  Someone who owns a van may offer to pick up children for an after school program.
What are the basic gifts you have in your tool box?

There are times, I've found, that tasks around the house require a tool or two that I don't have in my tool box, like a power drill or even a chain saw.  I may not need these tools all the time, but for specific projects, they would come in handy.  Without them, those projects don't get done at all.

In the same way, the good works God calls us to do may require abilities, experience, skills or resources that we don't naturally have.  That's when God gives us what we need through spiritual gifts.

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good ... All these are activated by one and the same Spirit, who allots to each one individually just as the Spirit chooses.   
I Corinthians 12:4-7, 11

Spiritual Gifts FAQs

  • All spiritual gifts are produced by and given to us from GOD.
  • There are various gifts, and every Christian has at least one gift.  Most people don't even realize they have spiritual gifts, although others probably can confirm them. 
  • No one has all the gifts.  It takes every one participating in the ministries of the church to make good things happen.
  • We don't get to choose which spiritual gifts we get.  God decides what gifts are needed.
  • The gifts are given for the common good of all in the Body of Christ.  
  • Each of us is given spiritual gifts to empower us to carry out the ministry given to us by Christ.

Gifted to Thrive

Each one of us is uniquely gifted, both naturally and through the power of the Holy Spirit, for good works.  God has given us this wondrous gift bag, and it's up to us what each of us will do with it.  We can decline the gift; we can accept the gift and not open it; or we can accept it, open it and participate in God's will and grace for our lives.

If we decide to accept it and open it up, we'll find lots and lots of fruit -- good works that make a difference in the lives of people and transform the world.  We'll also receive:

Joy unspeakable,
Faith unsinkable, 
Love unstoppable
Anything is possible*

With God, anything and everything is possible.

* From Thrive; written by John Mark Hall and Mathew West; performed by Casting Crowns.                               


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