The Angels' Song

Luke 2:8-14

When you're happy, do you hum or whistle or sing.  I do.  Follow me around on a good day, and you'll find me humming hymn tunes at work or as I shop or like my mother, singing and dancing around the kitchen as I cook.  Have you ever received such wonderful news that you burst into song?  Okay, so does sound a little corny, like something out of a musical, but that's how Zachariah and Mary responded to the confirmation of Gabriel's good news that the Messiah, the promised one from King David's line, was soon to be born. 
So. on the back drop a night out in the hills surrounding Bethlehem, we're going to seek meaning for us today in the story of the Angels song.

Nobody who was anybody would give shepherds, like the ones watching their flocks that night long ago, a second thought.

They were of no use to the rich and the powerful, except the taxes the Romans and the temple could squeeze out of them.

Those who considered themselves pious by the perfection of their acts of piety and adherence to the letter of the law, ignored and excluded them.  According to the religious laws, one could become "unclean," that is unworthy and unacceptable, if they or their clothing came into contact with blood and other bodily fluids and dead bodies.  They were banned from temple worship until they went made the appropriate sacrifices and went through a cleansing ritual.

Having grown up in a farming community, I would think that anyone working with livestock, including sheep and goats, would find it hard to avoid becoming "unclean." Lambing time alone would be a challenge.

Some who imposed incredibly high standards of strict religious practices, believed that having physical contact with people like shepherds or their clothing or even eye contact with them, would make them "unclean" as well.    That also included the poor, the sick (especially if they had a skin disease), and those who were labeled "sinners" and outcasts like tax collectors.

But that night, on that night so long ago, God paid special attention to a small groups of shepherds and favored them with a visit from an angelic crowd who burst out in song with the good news of the birth of their Savior.  (Luke 2:14, NRSV)

“Glory to God in the highest heaven,
    and on earth peace among those whom he favors!”  

In the angel's announcement, the shepherds heard the echo of Isaiah's prophesy which would become part of Handel's "Messiah," and be sung and listened to by thousands and thousands of people.  (Isaiah 9:6, NRSV)

"For a child has been born for us,
    a son given to us;
authority rests upon his shoulders;
    and he is named
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

God favored those who were considered "unclean" and beneath other's notice with the notice His Son's birth.  Not the high and mighty, not the ultra conservative, self-important pious, but folks who were like us.  Just plain folks.

I believe, God chose those shepherds to as representatives of all humanity.  "For unto us a child is born."  "Us" -- a wonderful, inclusive "us."  Everyone, regardless of gender or their monetary worth, where they were born, or their status and circumstance.

Today, God still favors the world with the news of His Son Jesus Christ is here with a gift of peace and eternal life.   In the mystery of who God is, He continues to pour out His grace, His love in action through the work of the Holy Spirit, on every human being on this planet, reaching out to each individual with the invitation to open our hearts to Christ, Emanuel, God with us.

After the angels left them, Luke 2:16-19 (NRSV) tells us that the shepherds:

" ... went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger. When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them. 

The shepherds didn't waste any time, did they?  they left their flock and hurried off to see for themselves, this child in a manger who was the ultimate fulfillment of God's promises and love for us.  If you haven't accepted God's gift of love and invited Jesus into your life, why wait?  Do it today.  If you have been holding something back, not fully committing your life to Christ, why wait?  Confess your secret sins, let go of what is keeping you from experiencing the fullness and freedom of our Savior, and ask God to fill you with His Spirit.

And the shepherds didn't keep what they had experienced, the angels and what they found in a stable, to themselves either.  Why do we hesitate to share what Christ has done for us and the true meaning of Christmas?  Let us pray for boldness and courage to make known to the world the love of God through Jesus Christ.  That good news that is worth singing about.


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