A Painted Lady Butterfly emerges from its chrysalis.
Romans 12:1-13
I Peter 1:13-21

Over the last few weeks, we have not only been talking about the wonder of nature of a butterfly's life cycle, but we've also been witnessing it as well since ten tiny caterpillars arrived about four weeks ago.  From the larva to the pupa stage, we have watched them, and over the last week, one by one they have emerged from their chrysalises.

Here are my questions.  Is a butterfly's metamorphosis complete if it doesn't come out of the chrysalis?  Do we have part to play in our own transformation by the sanctifying grace of God?

I think that one of the reason a butterfly's transformation is so wondrous is that it takes place inside a chrysalis.  Hidden away from our sight, a complete metamorphosis takes place as the worm-like caterpillar changes into a completely different creature.

The work of God's transforming grace begins on the inside with our minds.  Through the Holy Spirit, we are able to perceive what is real and true and comprehend the things of God.  Transformation of the mind makes possible the discerning and doing of God's intention for human life.  It liberates us  from the futile living of the past to be ready to experience the very fullest of God's grace when Christ returns and we sit down at His heavenly banquet table together.

So, is metamorphosis complete if the butterfly doesn't come out of its chrysalis?  What part are we called to play in the outward manifestation of God's inward grace?

I look at it in terms of a self-care regimen.  I can surround myself with Bibles and devotional materials, but if I don't actually read any of it, what good are they?  I can invest in the best walking shoes money can buy and an expensive work-out clothes, but if the only time I'm wearing them is to veg out on the couch, will I become fitter?  If I spend a ton of money at the grocery store and stock  my refrigerator with fresh, healthy food, and I leave it to rot while I binge on fast food, will I lose weight and become healthier?

No, of course not.  It works the same way for us when it comes to the Christian life.  For it to have any meaning in our lives, our response to God's love and mercy through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, should be our participation with God's grace.  We are called to live out the inward renewing of our minds in our outward behavior and in our relationships with other people.
In the passage from Romans 12, Paul gives us examples of what a loving life-style of a Christian looks like, in and outside of the body of Christ.  It is that other-centered love that sees others as part of our own family, that opens our hearts and homes to strangers, that even loves our enemies that marks us as Christians.

In ancient times, people were commanded to offer the best of their flocks and their crops as sacrifices to God.  Through Christ, we are called to offer ourselves as living sacrifices set aside for the work of the Kingdom in service to God in the same way Christ sacrificed himself for our sake.  We are to totally integrate Christ into all parts of our life, mind, soul, and body so that we are good, acceptable and perfect.

Christian perfection doesn't mean that we never sin.  Perfection is growing in sincere and genuine love for God and for others to the point where we do not intentionally go against the Law of God's love or do harm to others and ourselves.

The metamorphosis of a butterfly isn't complete until it comes out of the chrysalis.  The transforming work of God's grace cannot be completed with us until we choose to reject the influences of this world and embrace the new life we have in Christ.

Through Christ we are transformed and sanctified.  We are set apart and declared holy, consecrated to God and prepared to live forever in the Kingdom of Heaven with God.  It is a life-long process, but because of what God has done through Christ for us, we can rest our faith in hope that God will complete the work God has begun in us.


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