
Showing posts from May, 2015


Romans 8:12-17   2 Corinthians 4:5-12 Person, as in "the three persons of the Trinity," does not identify one as an individual but rather one as a being in relationship with others.  In the description of who we are in relationship with God through Christ, a word that defines us as a person is "adopted."   Back in Roman times, in a culture where abortion and exposure of infants was common, where a less than perfect child could be disowned and abandoned, adoption could save the a child's life.  It could even elevate a slave to the status of a family member of a rich and powerful family with all it's benefits and responsibilities.  So, what does it mean to be "adopted" by God? There's many ways to define who we are as people -- Our age and stage of life. Our social and economic status. What we do:  our jobs, our hobbies. Because we were created in the Image of God to love and be loved, who we are in relationship with o


Ezekiel 37:1-14 Acts 2:1-21 How interesting that our Common Lectionary has paired this passage from Ezekiel with the story of Pentecost and the birth of the Church.  I wonder, was God rattling dry bones that day in Jerusalem?  Were Ezekiel's vision and the events of Pentecost stand as isolated incidents or are they still happening today as part of God's ongoing mission of redemption and salvation?  And will we choose to participate in the mighty work of God's grace through Jesus Christ? Cacophany:  A loud din or racket filled with disonance and discord like the sound of a great crowd of people talking all at once or the barrage of noise, messages and voices that bombard us in our culture. Amid the cacophony of the Pentecost crowd gathered in Jerusalem, came the Breath.  It came from the four winds and gathered in a roar in a room.  It had been prophesied and promised to them, these followers of Jesus.  And they waited for its coming in prayer and worship.


A Painted Lady Butterfly emerges from its chrysalis. Romans 12:1-13 I Peter 1:13-21 Over the last few weeks, we have not only been talking about the wonder of nature of a butterfly's life cycle, but we've also been witnessing it as well since ten tiny caterpillars arrived about four weeks ago.  From the larva to the pupa stage, we have watched them, and over the last week, one by one they have emerged from their chrysalises. Here are my questions.  Is a butterfly's metamorphosis complete if it doesn't come out of the chrysalis?  Do we have part to play in our own transformation by the sanctifying grace of God? I think that one of the reason a butterfly's transformation is so wondrous is that it takes place inside a chrysalis.  Hidden away from our sight, a complete metamorphosis takes place as the worm-like caterpillar changes into a completely different creature. The work of God's transforming grace begins on the inside with our minds.  Throu