Isaiah 61:1-3
I John 3:1, 16-18

The Magi brought frankincense, myrrh and gold to honor the Christ child.  As we make the spiritual journey through Advent to Christmas, the celebration of Christ's birth, what do we bring to Him?  What is on Jesus' birthday wish list?

Have you ever tried shopping for Jesus?  What do you get for the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords?  What does the one called the Lamb of God, Almighty God, Counselor, Prince of Peace and Emmanuel, God Among Us want for His birthday?  I don't think He wants a Christmas sweater, a tie or golf balls.  What is something He would use?!?

Well, we know God sent Jesus to save us from sin and death, but if that was Jesus' only purpose, the Gospels would have been a lot shorter.

At the synagogue in Nazareth, Jesus announced what his earthly ministry would include by quoting Isaiah 61:1-3:

The Lord God’s spirit is upon me,
    because the Lord has anointed me.
He has sent me
    to bring good news to the poor,
    to bind up the brokenhearted,
    to proclaim release for captives,
        and liberation for prisoners,
    to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor
        and a day of vindication for our God,
    to comfort all who mourn,
    to provide for Zion’s mourners,
    to give them a crown in place of ashes,
    oil of joy in place of mourning,
    a mantle of praise in place of discouragement.
They will be called Oaks of Righteousness,
    planted by the Lord to glorify himself.

                                                                                       Common English Bible

In His ministry, Jesus demonstrated that His mission was not only to preach the Good News but to share God's love with people through action that changed their lives in tangible and real ways.  He feed the 5,000, healed the sick, the blind, the lame and lepers.  He released people from their bondage to evil spirits.

I think that what Jesus wants for His birthday this year and every day is for us to continue to carry out His ministry in the world.  After all, the church is called the body of Christ for a reason.  We embody the living presence of Christ.  We are the hands and feet of Christ called out to share His love in truth and in action, in ways that impact people's lives in real and tangible ways that meets their needs not only spiritually, but emotionally and physically.

Recently, a local merchant shared with me how he is seeing people spending less and not using their credit cards as much.  They were spending their money on more meaningful gifts.

Simplifying our lives, especially financially, is a good thing.

In a recent Dear Abby column, I read a letter from a woman who was concerned about a coworker, a single mom.  Knowing that the family didn't have a lot of money, the woman and her husband decided that instead of spending all that money on themselves and their family in frivolous gifts, they wanted ask their family to pool their money and send it to the co-worker and her family, anonymously.

Living simply so others may simply live is the perfect birthday gift for Christ.

In Matthew 25:31-46, we find Jesus' wish list:  welcome the stranger, feed the hungry, give water to the thirst, clothe the naked and visit those who are sick and in prison.  Why not pick one of these this year to honor Christ?

As Christians, we are blessed to serve, gifted to give and loved to share love.  God has put in our hands everything we need to carry out the ministry of Christ.  We just have to let go of it and use it to make a difference in the lives of others.

God gave us the best Christmas gift, ever -- Jesus Christ.  Through Christ we have received the gift of God's forgiveness, love and the promise of eternal life and the sure hope of the resurrection.  But Jesus also came to bring healing, wholeness and justice to people everywhere.

So the best birthday gift, ever, for Jesus is us, continuing his ministry to bring healing, wholeness and justice to all people.

Blessed to serve; gifted to give; loved to share love.  What shall we give Jesus for His birthday?


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