You then, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus; and what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well.
                                                2 Timothy 2:1-2 (NRSV)

Middle-age, now that's and age and stage that's pretty close to my heart right now.  It's a time when I'm not too old and not too young.  I've gained knowledge and life experience, but there's still plenty for me to learn and room  to grow as a human being.

The Bible has some things to say about middle-age.  Job said it was the prime of life, and Isaiah stated that it is the noon time of our years.  With our middle years, we have a lot to offer from our work, volunteer and life experiences, the knowledge and skills we've acquired, as well as common sense (the wisdom that helps us make it through life.

The Bible says that we should love God with everything we have and everything we are (Deuteronomy 6:5, Matthew 22:37).  So everything I've mentioned above can be used in service to Christ's ministry and to the mission of God.  And from what we read in 2 Timothy 2:1-2, we also have a special call to be teachers.

I'm not talking about teaching in the traditional way we think of it -- standing up in front of a class room lecturing students.  It's more like the way I learned to be a teacher.

When I was working on my undergraduate degree in education, I did attend classes, but from the time I declared my major, I spent time in classrooms.  First, it was observing how people taught.  Then, the classroom teacher might give me a student or two to work with.  Finally, when I was student teaching, I was given the responsibility of planning lessons and teaching a class, under the supervision of an experienced teacher.  Come to think of it, that's how Jesus equipped his disciples for ministry, and probably how Paul in their time together on mission trips prepared Timothy for service in the local church.

Paul advised Timothy to, "Take what I've told you and what you've learned from watching me and pass it along to others so that they can then teach it to the next generation."

In fact, that's how I was equipped for ministry.  I was invited to participate in ministry by experience lay people who guided me and gave me the opportunity to use my gifts and graces in particular ministries.

In middle-age, we find ourselves gifted to serve in ministry in many ways.  We also have a special calling to find ways to invite others to share in our serving in ways that helps them learn and grow as Christ's disciples. We are called to prepare them for God's future and to pass the faith on to new generations.


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