Matthew 2:1-12

My husband and I grew up in Michigan.  Before moving to Iowa, we were living in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  The winter days and nights are not like they are in Alaska, but at the darkest part of year, it was dark by 4:30 in the afternoon.  It made an impact on us, and to this day, my husband comments on the shortening days and celebrates as the days grow longer.  "It stayed light a little longer, today,"  he tells me.

I wonder if the Magi commented to each other that, each day, the star was a little brighter and a bit closer as they traveled to Bethlehem.  Every mile brought them nearer to the promise of a new King that drew them from the comfort of the Persian court and the familiarity of their dusty scrolls of prophecy.  The star led them to the humble home of a carpenter and his young wife where they presented their gifts to the Christ Child, now a toddler.

They make homage to the child; present their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, and leave.  Scripture doesn't tell us what happened after they returned to their homeland.  Did they even understand what they had seen?  Yet, they were in the presence of Christ, the living God in human flesh.  How can anyone experience God's grace, up close and personal, and not be affected, not be changed or transformed in some way?

I believe that they were touched by the grace of God because they "returned home a different way."  When they stopped in Jerusalem to consult with the royal court, King Herod asked them to return after they found the child and let him know what they found so he could go and worship the new king,  Yeah, sure.  Herod wasn't going to allow any contender for his throne to live, whether they were his own sons or some unknown toddler in a backwater town.

In a dream, the Magi were warned to not report back to King Herod.  Now, they could have written off the shared dream as a group hallucination caused by some bad mutton in that night's stew.  No, they took it to heart.  Instead of obeying the request of King Herod, they chose to respond to a word from God, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and they went back another way.

They went back another way.  Isn't that a description of the result of the transforming grace of God working in our lives?  When we recognize our need for God, confess our sins and ask Jesus to reign in our hearts, we live in a different way.  We begin a new journey with Christ that brings us closer and closer each day to becoming more like Christ as we grow deeper in love with God and our neighbor.

In the world of shadows and darkness, in the midst of chaos and confusion, we all could use a bright and shining star, filling the sky with the radiance of God's life and the saving grace of God. Many Christians, including myself, are shaking our heads and wondering if these are the end times.

End times or not, this Epiphany I am reminded that Jesus told us, "You are the light of the world."

Me, really?  Light of the world?  Compared to the sin, evil and madness I see in the world, I feel like I'm carrying a little birthday candle.  But to those who are struggling to live and make some sense of their lives, that little bit of flame is like a spotlight of hope.

We bear the light of Christ.  The Light is in us.  Anything we do in the name of Christ, makes a difference to someone in the world.  Through us and our little lights, people experience the grace of God, up close and personal.

And when we gather as the people of God as the Body of Christ, united in our individual faith communities and together in the universal Church, through Christ, we can light up the world!  Jesus tells us that we will be like a city on a hill, a beacon of salvation drawing people into the light of Christ.

We have begun our journey into a new year.  It's a year with 365 opportunities to shine our light, to make a difference in the name of Christ.  Let's make that our resolution for 2014.

So, go forth in the name of Jesus and ...



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