Matthew 6:1-16

Have you ever thought about what fasting means?  We break fast each morning.  We may do a 12-hour fast for some medical tests, but spiritually, what is fasting?

Fasting is the setting aside of something (it isn't necessarily always food) so that we may intentionally and intensely focus on GOD.  In the Bible, people fasted during times of trouble and grief, when they were seeking God's will and guidance, or when they were struggling with their own sin.  Jesus fasted in the wilderness in preparation for his ministry, death and resurrection.

Fasting is about the deepening of our relationship with GOD.  It is not a burden to be moaned and graned about.  It is not a way of earning spiritual brownie points with GOD or to brag about our own spirituality and righteousness.  All of these behaviors take the focus off GOD and puts it on us.

Fasting is an act of worship that is a result of our belief in the promises of GOD and the Gospel.  Yes, iut does cause discomfort -- sometimes both physically, emotionally and spiritually -- as we confront our self-centered desires and their roots.

Yet, it does give us the opportunity to further develop the fruits of the Spirit of love, humility and self-control -- and always, always to experience grace.

Fasting is an exchange.  As we consider what we will "give up for lent," what will we replace it with?

If we give up a certain kind of food, what about using the craving as a reminder to pray.  What about using the money we would have spent on that food to do some good in the name of Christ?

If we decide to fast one meal a week, how will we spend that time with GOD?

If we give up an activity, like an hour of screen time a day, how could we use that time in loving GOD through our physical and spiritual self-care, or loving our neighbor through encouragement and service?

Fasting is sacrificial living that results in a deeper, more meaningful relationship with GOD through Christ and a deeper appreciation for the costliness of the gift of grace which has redeemed us through Christ.


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