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1 Peter 1:3-9

Jack Williams has a song called, "Laughing in the Face of the Blues."  I like it.  It's upbeat and really is about focusing on how fortunate we are rather than on "the blues."  

I think that's a great attitude of gratitude, but what about the times when it seems impossible to laugh in the face of the blues?

In 1 Peter 1:3-9, Peter is writing to encourage a mixed community of gentile and Jewish Christians He reminds them of the imperishable gift of eternal life they have received through Jesus Christ. They badly need this encouragement.  Because of their faith, they are being openly rejected by their families their friends and their community.  In 1 Peter 2:11, Peter goes as far as to call them aliens and exiles.

There are many trials and troubles that test our faith and make us feel like we have been exiled to a desolate place where we find ourselves in the deep, deep, deepest of blues.
  • Death and all the lesser losses over which we grieve.
  • Fear and anxiety.
  • Doubt and uncertainty.
  • Illness and pain that cannot be cured, only endured.
  • Mental Illness.
  • Isolation and loneliness.

How can we sing hymns of praise when we find ourselves in places of desolation, when the living, risen Christ seems so far away? (see Psalm 137:4) Even Jesus on the Cross in the midst of his suffering cried out, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me.”

Why would such a lament be a faithful response in such times? First of all, we are being honest with God about how we are feeling, and we are being honest with ourselves, admitting that we cannot make things better ourselves.

Secondly, the honest expression of our pain, anger and sense of abandonment is an implicit statement of faith that God is there to hear us and in the power of God to protect and save us.

As, Christ, on the day of his resurrection walked on the road to Emaus with two of his disciples and brought comfort to them in their time of confusion and despair, so Christ is with us,bringing consolation into the desolate places in our lives.

Psalm 23:5-6 says that in the Lord of light prepares a table before us in the presence of all our trials and suffering. They don't go away but rather are overshadowed by the hope, courage, love and comfort that Jesus serves up to nourish our souls strengthen our faith.

He abundantly anoints us with the oil of his blessing so that it drenches us and pools at our feet. His goodness and mercy follow us at our heels and we are assured that no matter how desolate, how deep, deep, deepest of blues we feel, we will always be in the presence of our Lord and Savior.

The genuineness of our faith is not cultivated in pretending to be “happy” Christians with no problems. Our faith is refined when, in the times of trials and suffering, we rely on Jesus to help us through, for it's Jesus who will stand with us in the face of the blues.


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