
Showing posts from October, 2019


Grief is the pits! If I known it was going to be this painful to lose my husband, I would have divorced him a long time ago.  (Just a joke -- a little widow's humor) I wish grief was something that could be healed, but the truth of the matter is that grief is a healing process that we must go through in order to adapt to the "new normal" we find ourselves in.  All change is grieved, even if it's for the good because we're leaving something behind for something new.  Some changes are more painful than others. The other day, after I had spent the morning crying, and announced to the universe, "Grief is the pits," I remembered the Old Testament Story of Joseph, you know the kid with the many-colored coat.  Now there was a guy who knew what life in the pits was all about. In a fit of sibling jealousy, Joseph's brothers threw him in a dried up well, a deep pit, and then faked his death.  After a long and probably frightening night, his brothers ha