Luke 24:13-35 When we think of intervention, does the first image that comes to mind that of someone being confronted about their behavior by a group of friends and family members? I know God does intervene, convicts me, when I need to make a change for the better. I also believe that intervention happens when we're in a situation that is beyond our capabilities to solve a problem. You know, those times when we're up to our arm pits in alligators and someone shows up with a boat. In the same way, God intervenes when we need guidance and help. In Luke 24:13-35, we find the story of the walk to Emmaus. It had been a confusing and difficult morning for Jesus' followers, including Cleopas and his friend. Was Jesus alive or dead? Had the body been stolen or had Mary gone to the wrong tomb? So Cleopas and his friend decided to leave Jerusalem and go home. Scripture doesn't tell us why. Passover was over, and with Jesus' death, there didn't