
Showing posts from December, 2016


Luke 4:14-19 I peeked in to say goodnight When I heard my child in prayer, "And for me some scarlet ribbons, Scarlet ribbons for my hair." (From "Scarlet Ribbons," music by Evelyn Danzig; lyrics by Jack Segal) Such a simple request -- scarlet ribbons for her hair. That was the desire of her heart.  The desire of her father's heart was to be able to give her what she wanted, but it was impossible.  The stores were dark and locked tight; the shopkeepers  had all gone home.  A few hair ribbons were all she wanted, and he could do nothing about it.  He spent the night anticipating her disappointment, and his own heart ached at the thought. Long before that holy night, that night divine when Christ was born, humanity's collective heart was breaking as they struggled in a fear-ridden and hopeless world, broken by hate, fear, selfishness, and all those things we call sin. The people of Israel prayed for their hearts' desire.  They, in a world


Luke 2:1-20 We've heard the story hundreds of times.  From Dr. Hardy on "General Hospital" to Linus in "It's a Charlie Brown Christmas."  And of course, at church amid flickering candles and holiday greens.  So many times that we can probably recite it with Linus: And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed ...  (Luke 2:1, KJV) And it came to pass that the world Christ was born into was not so different than our own.  Yes, new players have taken center stage and the technology and advances in medicine would seem like magic to those living in Bethlehem.  But the human condition of our broken creation has not changed over the millennium.  There are still taxes and the poor, the lame, the imprisoned and the oppressed remain among us.  We still hope for something better in the midst of fear and uncertainty.     And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field,


Matthew 1:18-25 Romans 1:1-7 Americans, it appears, are an anxious people.  Depression and anxiety is on the rise from teens to older adults.  The sensationalizing of the election and the constant barrage of media have put many in a state of constant fight or flight, affecting their relationships with family and friends.   We talk about peace on earth, but what about peace in our own lives?  What relief from fears and stress, especially in this very busy and very expensive holiday season, can Christ the King, the Prince of Peace offer us? Have worries ever tied your stomach into knot?  Have you laid awake at night wrestling with hard decisions or come home from work or school totally exhausted from stress?  Then you will have an idea what Joseph was going through. Joseph was faced with a tough decision.  I imagined he paced the floor for several nights.  He was worried about how Mary's surprise pregnancy would affect their future together, if there was one; how her reputa


Isaiah 35:1-10 Matthew 11:2-6 Make the world go away.  And get it off my shoulders.           "Make the World Go Away" by Hank Cochran Know matter how much we would like God to make all our problems and pains go way, God doesn't do that.  What God does do, is, well, that's where joy comes in. Note, this message may be contain language that some may consider questionable. Life sucks and then you die.  Be honest, we all feel that way at some time in our lives.  Even pastors do.  Like you, I know what it is to feel discouraged, to have doubts, to feel weary and burdened by problems and pain.  To say to God, "make the world go away." John the Baptist's life had taken a decided turn for the worse.  Imprisoned by King Herod, destined, for execution, he despaired that his life and his ministry had been for nothing.  Had he been wrong about Jesus?  Had he bet his life on the wrong man?  He had heard stories, but he had to be sure that Jesus was t


Ezekiel 24:11-16a Romans 15:4-13 Last summer, I inadvertently taught my two year old niece a lesson I never wanted her to have to learn this early in her life.  That is that people are going to let you down. I was gently pushing her in a home made swing in her grandmother's backyard when she decided to turn around and get out of the swing.  Before I could catch her, she did a belly flop onto the ground.  I tried to catch her, I really did, but I was just too slow.  For the rest of the visit, it was obvious that I had lost her trust. Any human being, any human institution, is not perfect, and with or without the best of intentions, will let us down.   Is there anyone, any leader who can love us so perfectly that they will never let us down? My little niece is joyous and daring and on the move every moment.  It amazes, delights and sometimes scares me.  She will fling her little body out into space, confident that she will be caught by an adult or land on something soft.


SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT Advent is the season of waiting, of anticipation.  What comes to mind when you think of the word "anticipation."  What are your looking forward to in the coming months?