
Showing posts from December, 2013


Isaiah 7:10-16 Matthew 1:18-25 All right, whose bright idea was it to put Christmas in the middle of the busiest time of the year?   Life with its everyday demands and unexpected "surprises" doesn't take December off, and the power of Murphy's Law seems to increase exponentially with each passing day. What's next?  An invasion by alien elves from space armed with candy cane ray guns?  Or the attack of the Christmas Zombies -- "Aaaaaaargh!  Fresh, tasty Figgie Pudding!!" Wasn't that silly?  Don't you feel better?  I do.  Humor has a way of helping us put things in perspective, to see them in a new light. That's certainly what King Ahaz needed.  It was during the time in Israel 's history when the nation was divided into two separate kingdoms -- Israel and Judah .  Ahaz ruled Judah .  Word had reached the Kingdom of Judah that invasion was imminent.  The king of Israel and the king of Aram had decided to join fo


Matthew 3:1-12   Singer/songwriter Greg Brown, in his song, “Waiting,” claims that “Everybody just waitin’ their time away.”   How true for the Season of Advent!   We spend our time waiting in line at the grocery store, our carts brimmed with dried fruit and nuts, Christmas hams and that particular brand of eggnog that Aunt Myra loves.     We’re waiting for a parking space that doesn’t require a two hour hike and a shuttle to get to the entrance of the mall. As we creep ahead slowly in heavy, holiday traffic, we are waiting for our turn at the intersection, waiting for the green light.   We’re up at dawn waiting for the doors of the big-box stores to open so we’re sure to get that must-have, can’t-live-without electronic gadget or that wonder toy that sings, dances, teaches our children to speak four languages and cures the common cold.     We’re waiting with fingers crossed for that package being shipped from, hoping makes it in time to appear o