
Showing posts from May, 2013


The show, "Neat," on the ION network has inspired me to get back to a regular practice of going through my stuff and organizing it by the "keep, give away, toss or recycle" method.  I'd like to blame it on the fact that my parents both lived through the depression and instilled me with a "hang on to it because you never know ..." philosophy about my possessions.  And if it's something that was given to me, I'll hang on to it forever! As I look through my closets (yes, that's plural) and the room upstairs which has become the unorganized dumping ground for whatever and empty cardboard boxes (because who knows when you need to return the item it came in), I realize I really need to enforce the "three-year" rule.  It's not like this stuff didn't have value and usefulness at one time.  The question I have to ask myself, is "does this carry my life into the future?" If I am willing to respectfully let go of this s