
Showing posts from August, 2012


Matthew 7:24-27 Ephesians 6:10-20 On the PBS children's program, "Between the Lions," there's a character named Cliff Hanger.  At the beginning of every Cliff Hanger story, our hero is dangling precariously from a gnarly tree root on the side of a cliff.  The plot is always the same.  Cliff tries to get his feet safely back on solid ground, but no matter what he tries, he always ends up where he started:  dangling from that same gnarly tree root. Ever have days like that? There are interesting and anxious times we are living in. This summer, we experienced first hand the drought that is drying up the crops of the Midwest, while many of our young adults are drowning in debt. Meanwhile, our senior citizens worry about the financial implications of the new national health plan. Global warming looks like its becoming a reality while the conflicts born out of the Arab spring continue to heat up in places like Syria.  We, however, don't have to look far from