
Showing posts from July, 2012


The old cowboy song, "Cool Water" is about a man who is traveling through a water-less dessert.  In it you hear his desperation, his great thirst and longing.  The stars at night look like pools of shiningwater.  The only thing that gets him up in the morning to begin his journey anew is the hope of water,  the vision of "..that big green tree where the water runs free.  Cool. Clear. Water." In Jeremiah 14:1-9, we read a story about a serious drought in ancient Israel.  It is a desperate time.  The public cisterns have run dry; there are no more reserves of water.  Even animals are suffering, as the deer abandon their own newborns because there isn't enough food to nurse their young. Then, as now, in our own time of drought, our faith is challenged.  Where will we place our hope.  Will it be in ourselves or the government or something else or will we take our stand on what we know and believe about God. Isaiah 30:18 says: … the Lord [earnestly] waits