
Showing posts from June, 2012


Matthew 12:48-50 I John 3:2 In the mid 1970's, when I was looking for my first job after college, Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder ran this commercial. A young woman is frantically trying to get ready for a job interview.  She looks into the bathroom mirror, runs her fingers through her hair and says, "Why did I cut my hair ... I look like a squirrel!"  After pawing through the clothes hamper looking for something to wear, she returns to the mirror and asks, "Who am I?!?" To which her roommate, who is calmly applying her mascara replies, "I haven't the slightest idea." "Who am I" is a question we all deal with one way or another, whether we are adolescents testing our boundaries and trying our parents' patience or older adults adjusting to the limits of aging bodies.  With each new stage of life and the changes it brings, we are defining and redefining who we are.  Yet, no matter the stages and ages of life, there is one