
Showing posts from April, 2012


John 10:11-18 In John 10:11, Jesus makes this powerful, authoritative  statement declaring who he is:  "I am who I am, the Good Shepherd." I am the Good Shepherd, the one and only, who leads his flock through green valleys and by still waters as well as through the darkest, deepest canyons, keeping them on the the path of righteousness. I am the Good Shepherd, and I know my sheep, and they know my voice because the Father's grace and love has been poured out on all humanity.  All to respond to that grace, I claim as my sheep, and I have come to gather them together as my flock. In the culture of that region, even back into Old Testament times, the shepherd was a metaphor used to describe both religious and political leaders.  The hirelings that Jesus referred to were the religious leaders of Israel -- the Pharisees, the Scribes, the Sadducees and the chief priests of the temple. Jesus' audience would have been familiar with passages like Ezekiel 34 which de


Luke 24:36-49 Her followers call her "Amma" or Mother.  This Indian holy woman is being compared to Mother Teresa as she works to change the world one hug at a time.  She's embraced over 20 million people across the globe, and even cranky New Yorkers stand in line for hours to receive something they should expect to get at home. Elizabeth Laird greets returning American soldiers not with a crisp salute or a formal greeting but with a hug.  Known as the official Fort Hood Hug Lady, soldiers in camo gear tower over this tiny woman as they lean down, holding their assault rifles and bags to the side so they can receive the fullness of her welcome-home embrace. In some hospitals, neonatal intensive care units use special volunteers who come in to hold long-term care babies whose families may live several hours away and are unable to visit them on a daily basis.  Because human touch is vital to their early development, these volunteers provide the attention such babies


I Corinthians 13:7   Love Endures All Things Jesus, who was one with God, infinite and all powerful, could have called it quits when he found out he was to be confined to the finite space of a womb and the weakness and frailty of a human body. Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords could have said, "No thanks" when he saw the lowliness of his stable birthplace or the dirt floor of his Nazareth home or the humbleness of his parents -- a simple teenage girl and a carpenter. When, like any ordinary child, he was given a chore to do, or when his fellow students in Hebrew school were dozing off or looking out the window during the reading of his  Torah, Jesus could have said, "I'm out of here!  Come pick me up, Dad!" The Son of God and Son of Man could have said, "This isn't for me," when a neighbor took his  name in vain or a lazy farmer blamed his low yield on God. When they accused him of being possessed by demons, of being in league


I Corinthians 13:7        It [love] bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. At some point in our lives, we will all probably experience the "dark night of the soul."  It is a time when it seems like our dreams have all been dashed to pieces, there are no options but suffering, when there's no way out, and when hope has abandoned us. Despite the way the week had started with cheers and palm fronds, the disciples were worried and confused.  Jesus had been talking for weeks now that he was going to be rejected and killed, and what did he mean about tearing down and rebuilding the temple?  Now, as they sat down to what was suppose to be a celebratory feast, Jesus told them that they, they would betray, deny and desert him. Things were looking more and more hopeless.  Yet, love always hopes.  Hope doesn't promise an instant solution, but rather the possibility of an eventual one. In the past, Christ had given hope to a woman c