
Showing posts from August, 2011


Matthew 16:13-20 If you were at a party, and you saw someone slip something into someone's drink, and they wouldn't believe you when you told them, what would you do?  Would you be willing to create a scene, knock the drink out of his or her hand, risk looking like a fool? Jesus asked his disciples who people said he was.  Some people said Jesus was John the Baptist, a man who came to convict people of their personal sin and lead them to repentance.  Some said he was Elijah, a prophet who was going to confront the ruling parties about their oppressive and unjust reign.  Others said he was Jeremiah, another prophet who warned the nation of Israel to turn back to back to God. There are some people today that say Jesus was just a man -- a good man, perhaps even a prophet.  He was a great teacher who preached about moral and ethical behavior.  He was an advocate for justice and the rights of the people.  He was a man, and the miracles and the resurrection are just stories tha


Matthew 15:8-28 James Dean was the original rebel without a cause.  From the movie screen, he became a symbol of rebellion and wild, reckless behavior as he bucked the system. Jesus, on the other hand, was a rebel with a cause and a mission.  His mission was to lead the lost sheep of Israel back into right relationship with God and with other human beings.  Jesus was out there raising "heaven," making the religious powers that be uncomfortable and bucking the system. When the Pharisees criticized Jesus and their disciples for not following the ritual of washing their hands, what Jesus was responding to was the "tradition of the elders," an oral code which was a human  interpretation of the Law of Moses that intensified the demands of the law.  The Pharisees and other religious leaders used it to their advantage to financially support their favorite causes while ignoring the needs of their own aging parents and the poor.  By following it rigidly, they also tho


Matthew 14:22-33                         Romans 10:5-15 Do you have beautiful feet?  Have you ever thought about feet being beautiful?  Oh, yes, feet can be achy.  they can be stinky.  Feet can be calloused, dry or dirty.  They can even be made of clay, but how often do we think about feet being things of beauty? Romans 10:15 says, "...beautiful are the feet that bring good news."  Beautiful feet belong to people who have put their faith in Christ and are obedient disciples. I think beautiful feet are wet feet. In Matthew 14:22-33, we read a familiar story.  The disciples are back out on the Sea of Galilee when another storm catches them out in the middle of the lake.  This time, Jesus isn't even with them.  He stayed behind, insisting that they go on ahead of them while he went off by himself to pray and rest. All night, the disciples fight a terrible head wind.  The last thing they expected to see during the early morning hours is Jesus walking toward them