
Showing posts from June, 2011


Genesis 22:1-14 Isaiah 49:14-16 The labor pains begin all too early at 28 weeks of gestation, and little Maneesha, the subject of one of Anne Geddes photographs, comes into this world weighing in at just under one and a half pounds. How fragile she must look to her parents, laying in the incubator in the neonatal intensive care unit with all those tubes and wires. So tiny, born too soon -- would this child survive? Kate Braestrup, in her book Here if You Need Me, tells this story of another little girl. It is late October near Masquinongy Pond in Maine. Six year old Allison had followed the family dog into the woods during a picnic. The dog returned – Alison did not. The Maine Game Warden Service has mounted a search – dozens of game wardens and volunteers, search dogs and cadaver dogs and a search plane. Allison has wandered into an inhospitable environment, night is coming on, and the Warden Service chaplain has been called. Her parents huddle together on a picnic table be