
Showing posts from December, 2010


Luke 2:1-7 It happened in a stable, among the animals and in the hay.  There wasn't a Christmas tree with twinkling lights and shiny ornaments.  A glass of milk and a plate of cookies weren't waiting for him.  Yet, it was the most important birth in the history of humankind. It's easy to lose the spirit of that first Christmas among the shopping and decorations and the television Christmas specials (animated and live) in the midst of all the trouble and turmoil of modern events.They all make Christ's birth seem so distant and removed from our own reality.  For some, it may not even feel like Christmas, and this year, we all yearn for hope. So, tonight, let's return to the manger with open hearts and minds. Luke 2:8-14 Imagine.  You're standing on a hilltop in the Judean hills just outside of Bethlehem.  The night sky is clear, and the air is chilly. On the night air comes the sounds of bleating sheep and the voices of shepherds talking and laughing a


Matthew 1:18-25 Last week, every day was Monday.  Every day, something unexpected happened to interfere with my to-do list, my plans and my routines.  What can I say?  The best laid plans of mice and men and pastors often go awry. When Joseph heard that Mary was pregnant, before he understood the circumstances, he made a decision on what he was going to do.  Being a faithful Jew, Joseph was going to follow the religious tradition and end their engagement.  But being a man of faith, Joseph chose to be merciful and planned to do it quietly so not to cause any trouble for Mary. He had committed himself to a plan of action, and then he had a dream. If Mary's story asks the question "how?", Joseph's story asks the question, "What?  What happens when God changes our nicely laid plans?" Human beings are such creatures of habits, routines and plans.  In the TV show, "The Big Bang Theory," the character, Sheldon, is an extreme example of  this.


Luke 1:26-38 The new movie, "The King's Speech" has brought to the world the story of King George IV of England.  This man who took the throne of England reluctantly, suffered from a debilitating stutter, chronic health problems, and graduated at the bottom of his class at the Royal Naval Academy.  He wrote in his diary, that when he told his mother, Queen Mary, that his brother Edward had abdicated, and that he would become king, he "broke down like a child and sobbed."  He was filled with fears and doubt. I know there have been times in my life that after the excitement of a promotion or a new job opportunity wore off, I've had doubts about my qualifications and abilities.  I asked myself, "What have I gotten myself into?  How am I ever going to be able to do this?" New, expectanbt parents, once the reality of impending parenthood and all it's responsibility hits, wonder, "How am I suppose to care for and raise another human being?